Wakisaka Yasuhiro (脇坂安弘)

Yasuhiro WAKISAKA was the fifth lord of the Tatsuno Domain in Harima Province. The seventh lord of the Wakisaka family in the Tatsuno Domain.

He was born on March 11, 1738 as the first son of Yasuoki WAKISAKA, the fourth lord of the Domain. Since his father died in 1747, he took over as head of the family and became the fifth lord of the Domain. He was honored and appointed as Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and Nakatsukasa no Shoyu (Junior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Central Affairs) in January 1748.

He died on August 31, 1757 in Edo. Died at the age of 20. Yasuzane WAKISAKA, his younger paternal half-brother and adopted son, succeeded him.

[Original Japanese]